As a general rule, we suggest using high smoke-point oils (like grapeseed) over olive oil for any kind of high-heat cooking. This is because olive oil can burn more easily which can, on occasion, decrease the pan's nonstick properties—as it turns out, this is actually the case for all ceramic pans.
Outside of the oil you use, these are our best tips for longterm success:
- Cook over low or medium heat (at least most of the time, but especially when cooking with olive oil or butter)
- Always preheat the pan before adding ingredients
- Use wooden or silicone utensils
- Wash and dry by hand
If you do find your pan sticking, we suggest emptying any loose food, partly filling the pan with warm, soapy water, and letting it come to a quick boil—then turning off the stove and leaving it to cool. After cooling the burnt food should be easily to wipe away.
For especially tough sticking, we recommend a similar process:
- Fill the pan halfway with water and bring it to a near-boil for about 2 minutes.
- Pour out the water and place the pan on a sturdy, flat surface.
- Carefully use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on the warm pan, and any residual carbon should clean up quickly.